Why You Should File Your Homestead Exemption ASAP

If you bought a home in 2021, make sure you file your homestead exemption.

Did you buy a new home in 2021? If it’s your primary residence, this blog post is a reminder to file your homestead exemption. It’s a simple process, and instructions are available on your county assessor’s website. 


A homestead exemption gives you tax breaks for owning a home. The most important break, especially recently, is the 10% increase cap for your taxed property value. Houses are appreciating like crazy, so capping your taxed value at a 10% increase can save you a ton of money. If you can’t remember if you already filed a homestead exemption, you can always check the county website and make sure.


As of January 1 this year, a new exemption went into effect. If you buy a new home in 2022, you can file your homestead exemption right away; you don’t have to wait anymore. In the past, you needed to wait until the next year to file if you bought after January 1.


If you need help filing your homestead exemption or have any other questions, please call or email me. I am always available!